Sunday, July 29, 2007

Water Water Everywhere?????

If your like Amy who was reading over my shoulder at the time, you may fall asleep reading this, however if you are closer to me and my interests then you should finish it no problem.

This article is essentially a lot of information about how water from around the world is being used and how it is affecting or is going to affect us.

Between Water and Petroleum I'm not sure which we abuse worse, and which will become more of a problem first, the problem is they will both become as scarce as hen's teeth sooner then later whether we like it or not.

Friday, July 27, 2007

MagLev and Pepsi

1st - a Maglev Wind turbine that could produce energy for 750,000 homes, now that's cool tech. got the article off treehugger but the original site has some better information here

2nd - Pepsi coming clean about where there water is actually coming from... see here.. heard this one on the radio today, now if only more companies were forced to spill the beans about their false/misleading Marketing.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Last night Me and the Bro in law went to see transformers, first surprise was the price..... $4.20 wooohoooo I can actually afford the movie theatre again.

second surprise was that the movie totally rocked, I was afraid because I saw some low ratings online, right before we went, but it was absolutely thrilling for all 2.5 hours of it, anyway this isn't a movie review site so I'll leave it at that.

In case you don't read Amy's Blog we do own a house, we can't move in for 60 days so that's a bummer, but it's something to look forward to, and we can start thinking about decorating and what were gonna do, plus we can go to garage sales and such to try and get some good deals... at least that's my plan.

OH and of course Happy Birthday Mom.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

House Hunting

Pictures can be deceiving, both good and bad, some times the place looks amazing and turns out to be a dive, and vice versa. yesterday we saw several houses, Amy was not thrilled withany , I did like one although it was a pretty far commute, it just had so much character. I never thought I would enjoy those homes so much.

Anyway no luck but we have several for today, and one that apparently is suited just for us, but wont be ready for 2 weeks... not sure I wanna wait so long but we may have no choice, and depending on the situation it may have a quick possession which is what we really need.

OH... yes Amy and the kids got here safely yesterday morning, it was just too late of a flight for them to enjoy, Lily cried the whole flight apparently, Ava and Hunter kinda slept...... I would check Amy's blog soon for the whole story on that one.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Im here

Well I made it

4 days and 3 nights, 2 motels and one Walmart parking lot, the first day I decided to stop in Regina, but really should have kept going cause I couldn't get to sleep until 1 in the morning anyway, so the next day I made it to Ignace Ontario, not on purpose, I didn't realize that there are still places where you can drive for hours and not come across a gas station or town for that matter, and when you do find the town, namely Ignace, every things closed.... yup all 5 gas stations apparently have early bed times. anyway, the creepy motel in town was nice enough to tell me about a gas station down the road that was still open but that there was a lot of construction on the coming roads and at least 1 moose gets hit every night on those roads, so I decided to stay, little did I know that said hotel was super creepy decorated in the 60's and never changed since. If I was gonna get raped and murdered anywhere it was there, checked my vehicle several times to make sure nothing was going on.

It took a while, 8hrs the first day, 13 hrs, 12 hrs, and then 11 hrs, and the last day was the worst, In case anyone plans to drive to Ontario, I wouldn't come the way I did, especially I would avoid at all costs highways 400, and 401. those just so happen to be very major highways for Toronto's traffic, and not so fun for a mini van pulling a u-haul trailer that's prone to fish tailing at about 100 km/hr while inhaling the several hundred Semi trucks trailers exhaust, reminded me a lot of driving through LA.

anyway lots of smog, very humid, and more trees than BC, no I'm not joking the Trees never end, I started feeling
clostrophobic for the first time in my life, waiting for there to be a break in the never ending trees, after probably 1300 km they finally start to break and even then the open spaces aren't very big.

well that's it for now, picking up Amy and the kids in the morning, and then we try to pick a house to live in for the next 3 years.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Sounds good to me!

Article on Treehugger today about Chinese Chief of Food and Drug, was executed for being corrupt, yea there is more to the article but frankly, no one is afraid of the law, in fact the most of the time these corrupt leaders are hiding behind it, so good on China for showing that they mean business, and you know the next in line won't be so quick to corruption....... die or not die, is it really worth it when that's the choice and consequence.

If the Justice system were reliable and not themselves prone to corruption, I would think that this is the way to go, and hey added bonus of population control.