Friday, November 23, 2007

SOLAR getting good

Big talks have been happening in the last couple days/weeks concerning Solar Panels. A company called nanosolar has apparently perfected their process for making a photovoltaic cell, that's essentially printed, and can be manufactured almost like a large printing press. I cant find a firm number but i have seen some articles state costs at .30 cents a watt which is huge when compared to previous models at $3 a watt and Coal fired power at $1 per watt. Apparently their not the only ones in this game either another company called Ascent Solar Technologies has been keeping pace with nanosolar as far as technological advancements. they also are doing the printing method of course with some variation to the process but for some reason nanosolar is the leader in the game for now.

Nanosolar is unfortunately a private offering still, so all the big wigs like Google are getting on that boat. Ascent is a private company traded on the NASDAQ and looking like $18 a share now.

Also a professor at our school has been watching some program I cant remember which one, but has been saying that there's big things coming from the US Gov in the next day or so that will change this whole Solar game in a major way.

If you can't tell I am super excited, I wonder if this is how Amy feels when she sees pink, cause my heart started beating faster and I couldn't think straight when I first read the original article.

The Manufacturing plant is set to be sending out units by next year, I'm crossing my fingers on this one for sure.

Well gotta go read some more, I was really excited and wanted to share......

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Amy was giving me grief about updating my blog so here I am.

School is going pretty good, everything is gearing up to come to a finish for Christmas break, final projects and final exams is pretty well all that is left. If I do good in all my finals (projects and exams) I should come out with an overall A average, English is the only subject that will bring down my mark at this point. Math will be my highest mark by far.... My last exam I scored 110%........ since I know your gonna ask how ..... most of the class couldn't finish the test in time allotted so he made the test out of 5 marks less and offered an extra 5% bonus question that everyone could do on there own time and hand in.

Since I'm talking about school, I was reading an article on that said that you can read any of the course ware offered at MIT for free. Here's a link to the MIT site.