Friday, October 19, 2007

Have fun - Free rice

1000 grains of rice and I am at a level 35 Vocabulary, not too bad i think. Got up to a level 37 there for a couple questions, but it didn't last long.

Give it a try, if anything it was fun for a bit. Let me know how you do.


Anonymous said...

I only got up to 280 grains of rice before the page stopped working.. vocab level up to 40 at one point, but mostly around 33.

Anonymous said...

I can't get passed 26. That was fun, amazing what I wasn't sure of.

Nikki said...

I was stuck at 41 though I did go up to 42, but I would have had to pull out a dictionary to stay there. It was word disection at that point...thank you latin class.

Anonymous said...

I'm at 31 vocab level and over 10 thousand grains of rice to feed the poor! Hey me! I am gonna keep trying when its not so late at night.

Darren said...

way to go shells!!

thats 1000 questions, and Im sure some hefty investment in time. If your anything like me I could spend 2-3 minutes on some of the harder words trying to break them down.

Anonymous said...

Its was really late!!!

Anonymous said...

oops I miscalulated the rice big time by an extra I got up to 40 vocab at one point...whoo hoo

leanne said...

I donated 270 grains of rice , I was around level 34 for awhile. It took me awhile to break down the words. My brain was starting to hurt. Good game though.