Friday, November 23, 2007

SOLAR getting good

Big talks have been happening in the last couple days/weeks concerning Solar Panels. A company called nanosolar has apparently perfected their process for making a photovoltaic cell, that's essentially printed, and can be manufactured almost like a large printing press. I cant find a firm number but i have seen some articles state costs at .30 cents a watt which is huge when compared to previous models at $3 a watt and Coal fired power at $1 per watt. Apparently their not the only ones in this game either another company called Ascent Solar Technologies has been keeping pace with nanosolar as far as technological advancements. they also are doing the printing method of course with some variation to the process but for some reason nanosolar is the leader in the game for now.

Nanosolar is unfortunately a private offering still, so all the big wigs like Google are getting on that boat. Ascent is a private company traded on the NASDAQ and looking like $18 a share now.

Also a professor at our school has been watching some program I cant remember which one, but has been saying that there's big things coming from the US Gov in the next day or so that will change this whole Solar game in a major way.

If you can't tell I am super excited, I wonder if this is how Amy feels when she sees pink, cause my heart started beating faster and I couldn't think straight when I first read the original article.

The Manufacturing plant is set to be sending out units by next year, I'm crossing my fingers on this one for sure.

Well gotta go read some more, I was really excited and wanted to share......


leanne said...

That does sound exciting... I was also thinking about the stock market on that one. It will be interesting to see what happens. let us know .

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at your Amy comparison.....keep us posted on the outcome of this all since we aren't on the up and up with this kind of stuff - since we have you -that's all we need :)

Russyl said...

Still Laughing sbout the pink.
Anyways keep me posted on the latest develompments everyone in the investing world seems to be giving the big player role to evergreen solar having doulbed in the last 3 months.
Maybe there is some pin action on the manufacture of the panels? who ever that is?

Darren said...

since nanosolar is, up till next year, still vaporware, they can't really be compared to evergreen until that point, however if they can live up to there numbers they will send evergreen packing. Im just hoping that they go public and share the wealth.

Russyl said... is currently working with solar thermal power company eSolar Inc. and wind power company Makani Power to create "cheaper than coal power".

through Google's philanthropic unit

How about those companies?

Russyl said...

if the news is real, nanosolar could be a take over target by a much larger Evergreen?

Darren said...

each portion of the inustry needs to ultimately grow, solar thermal and photovoltaic being my favorites, geothermal and hydro 2nd and wind coming in last, I just don't think large scale wind will compete with the massive potentials of direct solar based energy production.

you have a link to this takeover news?

Russyl said...

no take over news... just speculation. if the major player in the field doesn't have the latest tech they buy it. thus the asumption. if evergreen is the major player?

Anonymous said...

I like pink....

Anonymous said...

Totally missed Solarefun. major surge. did you see it coming?
how about an update on this US Gov. thing you know?