Thursday, May 17, 2007

In Wheel motors

If you follow the electric car movement you've probably seen these, or at least there concept before, they provide more HP and more torque then a centralized electric motor and accompanying drive train. They, in many ways are the perfect design for the electric motor, and we may ( stress on the "may") see these soon on a car coming from ZAP. lots of questions still to be answered, I notice the diagram says a 10 minute recharge however no one knows what battery technology they will be using or how they aim to pull it off. A company like ZAP most likely isn't gonna be doing any of they're own R&D so they'll be using another companies technology, and could mean either a lower or higher price tag, given they didn't have to invest capital into the R&D in the first place.

latest article on this from TH

I hope they can but really at this point it's just another dream, that may not come to fruition.

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