Thursday, July 19, 2007

Im here

Well I made it

4 days and 3 nights, 2 motels and one Walmart parking lot, the first day I decided to stop in Regina, but really should have kept going cause I couldn't get to sleep until 1 in the morning anyway, so the next day I made it to Ignace Ontario, not on purpose, I didn't realize that there are still places where you can drive for hours and not come across a gas station or town for that matter, and when you do find the town, namely Ignace, every things closed.... yup all 5 gas stations apparently have early bed times. anyway, the creepy motel in town was nice enough to tell me about a gas station down the road that was still open but that there was a lot of construction on the coming roads and at least 1 moose gets hit every night on those roads, so I decided to stay, little did I know that said hotel was super creepy decorated in the 60's and never changed since. If I was gonna get raped and murdered anywhere it was there, checked my vehicle several times to make sure nothing was going on.

It took a while, 8hrs the first day, 13 hrs, 12 hrs, and then 11 hrs, and the last day was the worst, In case anyone plans to drive to Ontario, I wouldn't come the way I did, especially I would avoid at all costs highways 400, and 401. those just so happen to be very major highways for Toronto's traffic, and not so fun for a mini van pulling a u-haul trailer that's prone to fish tailing at about 100 km/hr while inhaling the several hundred Semi trucks trailers exhaust, reminded me a lot of driving through LA.

anyway lots of smog, very humid, and more trees than BC, no I'm not joking the Trees never end, I started feeling
clostrophobic for the first time in my life, waiting for there to be a break in the never ending trees, after probably 1300 km they finally start to break and even then the open spaces aren't very big.

well that's it for now, picking up Amy and the kids in the morning, and then we try to pick a house to live in for the next 3 years.


leanne said...

Wow, what a trip!. I was wondering how long it would take you to get there. I'm glad you made it safely. Good luck finding a home.

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it there - funny about the creepy motel :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you got there safely!! Hope all goes well with finding a place...if not - you can always come home! ;)

Anonymous said...

Darren- Thanks for writing and letting us know where you are. I have been thinking about you for the past 3 days, wondering how you were doing. So glad your safe and that Amy and the kids arrive safe also. Keep us updated!

Russyl said...

Your in Ontario?... Now?... What? Holy Crap! I can't believe it. Its making me miss you guys already.
Thats so cool about the trees, I remember Brad Greep telling me about the lakes... lots of them.
Well keep the stories coming especially the "Ontario hates Alberta" ones.

Anonymous said...

Boy sure glad you made it. I checked my blog last night just not yours (wouldn't you know it) I thought about you on and off all night wondering how you were doing' Like Russyl said keep us posted.

Nikki said...

Late to the party...but may I be the first to say that I'm glad you weren't raped. Cuz that would be gross.