OK now, seriously people. This is getting bad, If you have ever watched the movie, "The Corporation" you would see that a company in the past tried to do this, ownership that allowed them to own all water contained in Bolivia, which meant water in the ground, rivers and that fell from the sky. Caught catching it in rain barrels meant you would be charged a fee. The country fought back in a Battle that took them to the streets and cost many a life, they won, however, apparently now looking back, maybe this was just the way corporations tested the waters, and now they must think the time is better, and apparently so, since according to this article already 5% of the worlds water is now privately owned.
Quote from the article: (from Celsias)
"The antidote to water commodification is its decommodification. Water must be declared and understood for all time to be the common property of all. In a world where everything is being privatized, citizens must establish clear perimeters around those areas that are sacred to life and necessary for the survival of the planet. Simply, governments must declare that water belongs to the earth and all species and is a fundamental human right. No one has the right to appropriate it for profit. Water must be declared a public trust, and all governments must enact legislation to protect the freshwater resources in their territory. An international legal framework is also desperately needed"
The world is running low on it's resources, as the population grows it will only get worse, we must act now to use these valuable resources in a way that allows every human the right to fresh water. (from the article) "For the fact is, we know how to save the world’s water: reclamation of despoiled water systems, drip irrigation over flood irrigation, infrastructure repairs, water conservation, radical changes in production methods and watershed management, just to name a few. Wealthy industrialized countries could supply every person on earth with clean water if they canceled the Third World debt, increased foreign aid payments and placed a tax on financial speculation."
Why are we not doing anything real about these problems, what do you think? are we complacent to these issues? is it a lack of exposure to the problems? or is there a lack of knowledge for the general public to understand whats wrong and how to fix it? or maybe like some you think this is the Lords plan and not only is there nothing we can do to stop it, but should we?