Friday, August 17, 2007

Wrong Day

Well, the other day I went to my school orientation, except it was the wrong day, oops, no biggy, it was the same presentation just geared a little more to all the nurses that were there. We wandered around the school weaving in and out of hallways which made no sense, cause when you look at the map the hallways are straight, 2 main hallways with hallways off of them, very simple, 3 stories that all look the same. After Lunch (pop and 1 piece of bad pizza) I had to write my placement tests for Math and English, I Passed my Math with a 78%, which was actually kind of upsetting, I wanted to go over it but couldn't. Then I wrote my English placement, which was basically "does this sentence sound right or does this one? "I would assume that most people with English as a first language would have passed, I got 100%... yea I know, your reading this blog and thinking ..... really? Anyway by doing so I am allowed to skip the 1st year English class and go to the second year English class instead, which also happens to be my last English class, as my 3rd year does not include an English class.

So next week Tuesday I have to go see the counselor about whether or not I want to skip the 1st year English class, it's apparently an introduction to writing Lab's, which may prove useful, however if it's anything like the test was, I'll be skipping "grade 1 engrish" for sure. Is proper this sentence being?....... seriously?


Anonymous said...

Your funny d. I definetly would rather take English than Math....but. Skipping any subject would be sweet.

leanne said...

skip, skip, I don't see the desision. English is my first language but I think I couldn't have gotten 100% :). good job. Sorry about the math. can you retake it.?

Darren said...

The Math is no big deal it was just a pass or fail thing, Pass and you take the normal class, but fail and you had to do an extra 1 hour class for the first term. The reason I had the biggest problem was I had to do it all on paper, no calculators allowed. I haven't done most calculations on paper since middle school.

Anonymous said...

I done taught myself good too!

Anonymous said...

You keep this up and you will be home before you know it.