Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Amy was giving me grief about updating my blog so here I am.

School is going pretty good, everything is gearing up to come to a finish for Christmas break, final projects and final exams is pretty well all that is left. If I do good in all my finals (projects and exams) I should come out with an overall A average, English is the only subject that will bring down my mark at this point. Math will be my highest mark by far.... My last exam I scored 110%........ since I know your gonna ask how ..... most of the class couldn't finish the test in time allotted so he made the test out of 5 marks less and offered an extra 5% bonus question that everyone could do on there own time and hand in.

Since I'm talking about school, I was reading an article on celsias.com that said that you can read any of the course ware offered at MIT for free. Here's a link to the MIT site.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update - I know I'm no better at it, but it is nice to hear what's up. Excellent work you've been doing D! I am a tad confused about the free course....

Anonymous said...

smarty pants!

leanne said...

good job D!!! I will have to check the website out. glad to hear from you I was beginning to wonder where you were.