Thursday, December 20, 2007


Grades are in, and I'm a bit surprised by the results, I really thought I did worse when I screwed up my final exam. But I'll just consider it an early Christmas gift.

So It runs down like this A-,A,A,A-,A,A = 3.9 GPA

So there it is.

2.5 weeks from now and it's more Math, and Electric Circuits, and another Renewable energy class. New for this term is Chemistry, Physics and Sustainable Development. I'm not so sure about this sustainable development class, I met the lady who teaches it at the beginning of the year and even she is a bit crunchy for me. Chemistry and Physics however should be pretty fun, I really liked them in High School.


Anonymous said...

YAY!! congrats!

Anonymous said...

What did I say Darren? you could hardly have done better with those results. I am proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo!!! What a brain. Keep up the good work eh?

Anonymous said...

Good job DUDE! as Tevin would say.
Those are great all A's. Wow, I knew you could do it.