Thursday, March 27, 2008

Been Busy

Alright, so blogging isn't exactly my number one priority.

No excuse, but i promise I've been busy.

see here for proof

Now that you've had a good laugh, Hopefully that will hold you off for a while.


Anonymous said...

Too Cool Darren! you look very scientfic and no I didn't laugh a good one. I was definetly wondering where you have been on blogger land here...good to know your busy.

Anonymous said...

It took me a minute to realize it was you! Very cool!

leanne said...

wow! front page of the school website. how did that happen. very cool. You really do look like you have been busy.:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Darren, you are my hero....

Anonymous said...

when's school done for the summer?

leanne said...

Darren it's been awhile since you blogged. I think it's time for an update. Tell us all about school this year. or what ever ...:)

shelly said...

Yes Darren! Ditto for me on the update. I would love to hear how school is this year. This is now post #8 in 7 months since an update.....hope you notice someday.....:))))
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