Saturday, February 23, 2008

Time to improve

In order to improve I think it is important to understand how others are doing when it comes to efficiency?

why you ask am I doing this well, the other day I got my gas bill, and am absolutely disgusted by how much we used. I give in to comfort more then I should and therefore my bill was ridiculously high.

alright so here's what I want. Your electricity consumption in kWh, there should be a number on your bill that states how many kilowatt hours you used in a month. second number is Gas, how much gas do you use in a month in cubic meters. and third how much water do you use in cubic meters, mine says in M3, which is the same thing.

And to start off I will give my pathetic numbers for the last billing period, as much as i don't want to share my consumption I think it will be good for me and everyone to see how we are doing and motivate us.

Darren's consumption(most of Jan some of Feb) Electricity = 791 kWh, GAS = 408.673 cubic meters, Water = 26.6 M3

***********See Comments for Update*************


Anonymous said...

ok, I'll see what mine says. Not sure how it will compare to yours.
Electric-1794 kwh ( $122.17)
Water-8990...? ($34.60)
we don't have gas.

Darren said...

I think the US uses Gallons for this.

so 8990 gallons = 34 cubic meters

1 cubic meter = 264.172051 gallons

Anonymous said...

712 kwh
18 GJ
15 M3 on water

Darren said...

Thanks Nikki, According to to covert GJ to cubic meter of natural gas multiply by 26.8 so.

18 GJ = 482.4 cubic meters

Anonymous said...

Electric - 748 kWh
Gas - 17.452 GJ (467 cubic meters)
Water - 22 M3

Anonymous said...

I can't post mine since we live here in the boonies and we have well water and I don't pay the electric or gas bill, Since its the whole farm in one bill I'm sure for Barry. I might see if I can find an old one from St. George....hmmm -if I can find it in the mess.

Verna Workman said...

18m3 water
This is awful but we know that we are losing alot through our windows
thank goodness we can be on a budget.

Darren said...

Ok, give me a couple more days, I am trying to get a couple more peoples numbers together for more comparison, and then I will blog.

Darren said...

Hmmmm... I have started some comparisons to average CDN and US numbers along with some other school mates, and figured that my water consumption number was for 2 months of use, so assuming equal usage I would be at 13.3 m3 /month.

Also I should point out that my number for kWh is metered quantity, not what they are charging me for, which is inflated due to a conversion factor in there benefit

So If anyone else is thinking there numbers might be weird at this point, add another comment with the adjustment.

Anonymous said...

Darren-I found some old bills and its hard to read them....
Water- 5000 is my average over the year. (wow Leanne's is HIGH!!)
Energy charge -1839 (63 KWH-charged $3.26KWH)
Gas-hard to read-2.5 DTH (on the back of the bill it says that Decatherm is a standard measurement for heat, which is equal to 1 million Btu(British Thermal Units)

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Nikki said...

Dude you need to change the title of this post from Time to Improve to Time to Blog. :P