Saturday, February 9, 2008

North Pacific Garbage Patch

Amy says I need to blog so here's something I've been interested in lately.

The "eastern garbage patch" or "Trash Vortex" it has a bunch of names, In essence what it is, is a large gathering of all the plastic and garbage that has been put into the oceans (by us) and instead of spreading out in some sort of natural dilution it is being rounded up by gyres (A gyre is any manner of swirling vortex. It is often used to describe wind or ocean currents, for example the North Pacific Gyre. - thank you wiki)

Now what is going on is that there is a bunch of people and organisations saying that this thing is the size of texas, or the size of the USA, some saying its real thick some not. It's apparently also just under the water surface which makes it unseen from satelite imagery.

Now I'm the first to jump on board for this sort of stuff, but this one has me wondering, I think that the oceans are being polluted, theres not doubt about it, and these gyres... well it makes sense theoretically.... but where then are all the pictures!!!!! I mean if I'm gonna take my boat way the crap out there to see this thing, and report on it, where are the pictures! We have cameras in cell phones, cameras that fit in pockets and could take thousands of pictures on a single media stick, cameras are everywhere and everyone owns one..... except somehow these people who spent thousands of dollars to take a trip out to see it first hand....... I'm just saying..... it seems odd.


Anonymous said...

Odd for sure...lets see some real scientific evidence here eh?

Anonymous said...

I agree lets see proof.

Anonymous said...

Hey D. I would like you to do blog about geo thermal energy. What do you think about it.