Wednesday, February 28, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

With Al Gore winning an Oscar for best documentary for 'An inconvenient truth', and announcing the sequel, (supposedly) to be based on the book 'Plan B 2.0' I figure it was as good a time as any to write in my blog about one of my favorite movies.

If you haven't seen it yet, you must take a look. Hopefully I can convince someone to watch it, since I can't even convince Amy to watch it, or any of the other movies I have been motivated by lately. I watched this movie in theatres when it was showing here in Calgary, and ever since, I have been more motivated to do something, my recycling went from non existent to pretty good... I think. I can take about 4 large trash cans full of recycling every 3-4 weeks or so, plus all the cardboard on top of that, and I know that I could do better. Amy gets frustrated with me when I don't take the recycling out to the garage so when that happens, and it happens often, everything that should be recycled gets thrown out in the regular trash.

For those who have not seen this movie don't be surprised by the overwhelming guilt that you'll feel, most people I've talked to feel this way by the end. If your expecting answers, forget it, this movie fills you with questions, good questions mind you, questions we should have been asking ourselves a long time ago. Questions that will hopefully spur a motivation inside you. The movies purpose of course is to drive home the fact that global warming is more than just something Canadians hope for every spring.

Here's a random question for everyone that I have asked myself after watching this movie and still ponder on from time to time. that question being 'how do, or, do our environmental actions have bearing on us morally? ie. Wll we be held accountable for our environmental impact? I feel that we are somewhat accountable for our actions in this regard however, is it then a sin to litter? where could someone possibly draw a line. I tried to come up with some examples like littering, but as each persons situation begin different it made it quite hard, So another thought on this subject may just be that our actions towards the environment have there direct/indirect rewards and punishments while here on earth,(smog, lack of clean water, harsher weather systems) and that these things are not dealt with in the hereafter, just like, cars, homes, jobs, careers, clothes, just a couple choices I think that have little to no bearing on the hereafter. I hope my question makes sense, what are your thoughts?

All that being said, dont forget to watch the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'


Anonymous said...

I enjoy this blog a lot...and not just cuz you are my B.F.F....

Nikki said...

D...I LOVED this movie! I have a quote from it as my computer wallpaper: That life and the universe are full of mysteries and wonder, that all is not what it seems, that their are hidden meanings, that we are capable of transcendence... Made the family watch it also...I think Russ was surprised and he didn't hate it.

Nikki said...

And I totally shared the wrong saw the movie...really...

Darren said...

lol, I thought it sounded odd :-)

Anonymous said...

I downloaded the movie and I'm gonna watch it before I head back to work :)