Saturday, August 4, 2007

Smart Car is Sold, and more

So I figured I would just do a post about what's been happening, so here it is, all dry and boring.

My precious Smart car is gone, It found a home in Edmonton, so some of you may see it driving around in the near future, his new family was found through a smart car website so I'm sure it will be cared for and loved.... :-(

It's replacement you ask...... most likely a bicycle, its not to far from our new home to the school, but if this year for some reason is colder then last year it may not prove very reasonable as transportation, however it wouldn't take much to be colder then last year where they received 3 snowfalls all winter and about 3 inchesof snow, and with a winter temperature in Sarnia rarely seeing negative double digits, I should be OK.

Exactly 1 month left before we take possession of our new house, which also happens to be the first day of school, hopefully school doesn't get to intense right away as I could sure use some time to settle in with my new surroundings and set up shop.

For my Birthday a couple days ago me and Amy went across the border shopping, it's really close and being that the major town for shopping is no more then a mile from the border its pretty convenient, looks like target should be getting my business for a new TV, however I'm still a little confused with the whole Duty and taxes thing, any suggestions? also if we get our act together it seems that grocery shopping is well worth the trip as well, Gas, milk (in Jugs), cheese, and cereal top the list for cheap groceries and many more I'm sure. I know I'm not helping the local economy but seriously its only a 5 min drive so why should the prices on that side of the border be so different..... oh back to the birthday, I got 2 books on the environment slash alternative energy, skittles, pens/paper, and a new backpack that holds my laptop and other supplies, I was planning to use the backpack I used in high school and for my mission however it seems to have been "misplaced"..... Amy wasn't fond of it.


Anonymous said...

Selling that Smart car was just in time for your birthday. You couldn' have asked for more.
Four weeks will seam like a long time when your in a hurry to get settled. But the pictures of your home look like it will be well worth the wait.

Nikki said...

I'm torn. My flag waving Canadian side is afronted by your border hopping, while my cheap, deal loving side totally gets it. ;) I wish I'd put money on you buying a bike, cuz I totally called that one.

Anonymous said...

OH its so obvious where that pack pack is.

leanne said...

IS congrats the thing to say... or are you sad about the car.?
It sounds like driving over the border to get groceries maybe the best idea.
Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :)

Going through customs each way seems like a lot of work to me just to get groceries... :) I HATE customs!!

Anonymous said...

Russ meant to write...backpack. LOL

Anonymous said...

D- how far is it from Sarnia to the Border and then how far to Target from the Border? I agree its totally worth buying gas, milk, cheese and cereal etc. Shop for sales!

Darren said...

It's like 5 minutes away, bigest problem is waiting in line at the border which can get really bad, so 5 min drive but potential for 2 hours, they have this program you can join like an expres lane, you pre qualify with both governments as no risk and then you get to skip the regular lines and you have your own line that no one is ever in. thinking about getting that.