No, your eyes do not deceive you, and I did not photoshop it, trust me a couple minutes outside is all you need, to know that "FEELS LIKE 35" is no joke.
Oh and while I was there I checked Calgary's page, its was 3C ........ Sorry :-(
School is going slowly, all my professors seem to think that if the students aren't getting it, that they should slow down and spend more time trying to help the students....... I'm not sure I have ever heard of anything like it, In my opinion they should hit the first year students hard with heavy course loads so that those who cant cut it get out while they still can, you would think that you would rather change you major early rather then during your third year when your professors finally pile it on.... I mean seriously if you need the teacher to help you figure out that 10 light bulbs rated at 100 Watts equals 1000 Watts (1kW) and if you run them all for 1 hour you will use 1 kWh of electricity then times that by the rate of lets say 8 c/kWh you should be able to do it. Go ahead change out the numbers 'ooooh' add some more light bulbs, 'oh no!' I mean how long do we have to spend on this.
That feels a bit better...... anyhow still riding my bike to school, although I remember why I hated it so much on my mission, you get tired and sweaty but it does nothing for you physically.
Wheres an electric scooter when you want one?
That is strange weather for sure. We had a good 5 inches of snow on Friday. Snowed the whole entire day and night. It was fun.
Also I agree about the light bulb theory and school being easy the first year.
The weather here is cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon and as soon as the sun goes down it's cold again. It's hard to wear the same thing all day.
But, your weather is really strange
we even swam yesterday in the pool, guess its nice to procrastinate sometimes, otherwise our pool would have been closed.
Buddy, sweat + tired = physical payoffs in my world. Your riding it wrong then. :P
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