Sunday, September 23, 2007

New calling

Long time no post. Well if your like mom and dad then as soon as I say I got a calling last Sunday, you will immediately guess what it is, taking all the fun out of it. So as of last Sunday I was set apart as the Elders Quorum President, trust me when I say that when it comes to leadership roles I would gladly allow someone else the blessings. But alas, coming out East isn't the best location for those who try to hide in the back. Anyway if you would like to know more feel free to call.

Other then that we are desperately needing to close our pool down, the trees are starting to turn color and if we don't get it closed in the next couple days were gonna have one messy pool on our hands, it sad to see it get closed especially since the other day if we had a pool blanket (current one is disintegrating ) we could have gone swimming, the pool water is still getting up to 70 F. which for those who don't understand what that means, we were swimming quite happily at 78F just a couple weeks ago. It was just that one week where it dipped down to frost over night that ruined it all, and now that the temp is back up again, its still too late, the leaves have
started to turn.

For those wondering how school is going, It is starting to settle in to a groove now, as we make our way past the first couple weeks where it seemed that everything was seriously dumbed down. I have had a couple Labs now in electrical circuits, nothing interesting there, and 1 lab in my renewable energy class. It was not to bad but still coming in at a basic level where the labs are just supposed to get you familiar with the different technologies out there and the principles behind them. Next term I see getting much better as the classes get harder and more is expected out of settled in students.


Anonymous said...

Finally you blogged! I was trying to see you on MSN. I don't know your phone number so.....
I didn't guess what your calling could be, so WOW! That's heavy. Good luck with that one. Thanks for all the updates! Everything sounds new and exciting with school, the pool and church!

Nikki said...

Hey EQ Prez. ROFL. Sorry...just a minute...whew...still laughing...wiping eyes with kleenex. Classic.

leanne said...

Wow! cool D. That's a big many in the quorum?
Sounds like school is going good. You better go get a pool cover TODAY! you don't want to get all the leaves out by hand.