Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Solution

I had an absolutely brilliant idea the other day. It solves all the debate, all the arguments, and everyone will know without a doubt who was right and or who was wrong.

Here's the plan. We all sit on our big fat duffs and do nothing, yea that's right nothing. keep building more coal fired plants, forget about fuel efficiency those old gas guzzlers are really fun to drive, It would be rude of us to not allow China and India the privilege of enjoying these cars too, continue using as old a technology as we can cause hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it. then we wait for the ice caps to melt, for city's to flood, for enormous storms to demolish coastal city's. for the weather to get so hot that you can barely stand going outside, and if you do, you'll need like UV1000 protection. But hey think of all the time and money governments can save and all that hassle of trying to be proactive. Then when there's not a single person standing that would argue with global warming ( I bet there would still be a couple ) we can throw a huge party, oh and of course we don't need to worry about the mess since at this point Earth is gone to Hell in a hand basket and there is no chance to recover. But hey don't be sad at least we can all agree that global warming was definitely happening, and that's something to rejoice about.

like my plan? I think it's ingenious, and if we do it right, we won't have to wait very long for it all to come together.

---- feel free to add in a note of sarcasm


leanne said...

hey, when did you get a blog i just found this. from nikki's site...I didn't khow, how come whats going on here. and what's this about a job? ok, I think I better call you. but not right now since i just looked at the clock and it's 11:50 pm

Russyl said...

Hey isn't that what people have been doing for the past 40 years?