Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Well here I am at work, not doing much of much. Hopefully this afternoon should be better as they have promised to have something for me to do today.

Yesterday was quite awkward as the guy I was to replace temporarily came in to visit, saying he would be back on Thursday, hmmmm well they signed a contract so I will still be here for the month, however unless work really picks up then I'm pretty sure this one is over. If so lets hope there's another company willing to pay large amounts of money to have me sit around, or possibly even work I guess.

I would like to get on this place as management really seems to understand what it takes to be good, if the phones are dead and work is dead they play a LAN based Warcraft game, surfing is not looked upon badly nor is using MSN Messenger, all the things that most people at work do anyway but have to hide from there boss, well except the LAN based Game which is just awesome. My first conversation with my supervisor, she mentioned that her motto is that 'people don't fail, management fails' ..... I'm really not lucky enough to land this type of gig so I'm not holding my breath.... for that long.

1 comment:

leanne said...

wow! what a gig. I think you need to be positive to get more positive. You never know what the future holds. good luck. I told my kids you get to play wow they thought that was a cool job.