Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Toilets are one of those things that currently require a lot of water. And unfortunately that water is becoming more and more valuable as the World changes before us. So people have come up with some ideas to improve upon this idea that i think are interesting, of course low flow and dual flush options are better then current methods however by filling the tank with water from say the tap or shower that has already been used once is a much better idea.... side note - does that commercial that talks about the water in your toilet being the same as what's in your glass not make anyone else wanna puke, its the flushing action in the glass of water that does it for me... anyway back on track here, some toilets that I think reinvent this whole idea of dealing with waste are what intrigue me most.

The Envirolet - these toilets are very convenient units that save a lot of hassle when it comes to the alternative being a septic tank. there site has a bunch of information and a 24 min video that really should have been a 5 min video. I like the waterless self contained Idea most as its really the K.I.S.S. principle, although i think it needs the added electrical input in order to more efficiently burn off the water. I've read some reviews on these toilets and some bad experiences with the emptying part not being fully composted.

I hummed and hawed over this post for a while, came across this guys blog the other day talking about the same thing, so I figure I'll just link to his and be done with this one.

Anyway you look at it you just can't use a normal or even low flush toilet off the grid, there's just to much water involved, and would require a very involved septic system, which isn't exactly known for being environmentally friendly.


Nikki said...

Ewwww about: some bad experiences with the emptying part not being fully composted. Dude I think I threw up a little...

Russyl said...

Man I got major problems with this whole issue. let start with the low flush toilets, all the low flush toilets I've installed over the years have caused me nothing but problems. Phone call after phone call about them not working, plugged up etc. I DON'T like them.

Secondly, Why is it that we put our watse in our life support? We need fresh water to sustain life, but we put our discusting bacteria infested bio waste and everything else you can imagine (think about every thing that you use water for)and mix it in with our fresh water, WE WOULD DIE IF WE DIDN'T HAVE FRESH WATER. Then through the miricle of science we reuse it (drink, crap, shower, dishes, laundry...)then we do it again and again and again...I've lived in places where the water is recycled so many times that even the smell would repel the bravist of souls from tring it.
Someone needs to come up with a new way to dispose of our waste without the use of water, and rid our planet of water treatment plants.

Side note I've done work at Water treatment plants as well and I'd say they are a close second only to rendering plants.

Nikki said...

Holy Russ, you did write a novel.