Saturday, June 2, 2007

House Switch

see here

I don't know if this has ever crossed your mind, I know I have wanted one of these for a long time, wondering why they don't come as default with new home construction, as with so many other things that don't cost a lot to install when you do it at new construction phase.

I sometimes know there is a light on upstairs or down and just don't want to give the effort to go turn it off, so it stays on longer then it should, and not only this whole house switch but I would love an Intelligent system with a central control for monitoring the entire houses electrical system, whats on, whats not, how much the stove/oven and fridge are using, daily hourly and real time stats for consumption, oh and if I'm wishin' here make it voice activated throughout the entire house so I can just speak like on star trek and the computer will hear me.......drooooool...... Oh and of course this is all in my Earthship on the side of a south facing hill with an average size year round stream running down the hill not to far away, Solar Panels, Wind Generator, and Micro Hydro system also tied into my monitoring system with stats like production , usage and battery capacities,

Just thinking here but how about Water as well, the manual water meter already tells us the numbers but why not incorporate it digitally as well, tell me how much water was used during different time periods, so we could tell how much was used for a bath or shower, washing clothes, dishes, watering the lawn, washing the car. everyone loves stats don't they?

That was quite the tangent off of a whole house switch. I wonder what sort of electrical nightmare it would take to retrofit one? anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's kinda cool :)