Friday, June 22, 2007

We all knew it would happen

When a particular Design holds monopoly on the market for a long time they are reluctant to change said design because if it works don't change it right? well with global warming stirring things up and spurring new design, it's like out of no where someone realizes oh hey you know that thing we been doing for a hundred years that was really inefficient but there was no other option, well, I just out of no where realized how to make it a hundred times better, weird eh!.....

Although I encourage R&D, and competition in all products, I feel like there should be some type of ramification for the R&D that these companies knowingly held back on, or even went so far as to buy someone out, and then bury that design to never be seen again..... until now. Its very frustrating...... however.... bring it on, we need the best designs for efficiency that are out there and if those happen to be in a locked box, that someones forgotten the combo to, crack er open... lets go!

Anyhow here's the latest in light bulbs, with greater efficiency then CFL's and lasting decades this one is quite the leap in technology.

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