Thursday, June 21, 2007


Yesterday was the Diploma for Math 30 Pure, The morning seemed rather simple, it scared me it was so simple, cause you always know you totally screwed it up when it was that easy. However the second half was basically filled with questions on stuff I have trouble with normally, so lets hope I'm a good guesser.... I'm not normally so why should I be this time?

Saving Grace however, I did have an in class mark in the 90's Not sure the exact mark, no one has given that to me, but I got over 90 on each unit so its a fair guess. That being said My Class mark at 50% weight is over 45% so as long as i got more then 20% on the diploma I should be alright, But that grade doesn't come back till the 3rd week in July.

Now what.... well were still finding a place to live, applying for student loans, basically figuring out how were gonna get there and where were gonna stay when we do...... nothing major ......


Anonymous said...

ya, nothing major at all. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Funny Allison, I was just thinking the exact same thing when I clicked on comments. Just a little bit of stress is all.....
welcome to my world :-)

Anonymous said...

Darren you made it no question about it, To bad you didn't get that mark in High School. Sorry I just had to say that.

Darren said...

Trust me I am sorry too, it was a nightmare to do. I find myself telling high school students not to slack off pretty often now.

Nikki said...

Here's hoping it was easy in a good way!