Friday, June 15, 2007

More Electric Cars!

I Love the electric car, and this one (see here) is using the in-wheel motors which I really like the idea of, eliminating even more of the reasons I hate the standard car... moving parts = servicing, breakdown, replacement.....Blech!

And of course more competition means better prices for us consumers, and more research by more and more companies trying to grab there share of the market...... I like it.

However I do prefer the design of the Tesla Roadster to this Stingray looking car, not that I could afford to buy either anyway.

.... Since I'm on the subject of cars right now, the Big auto makers of America were complaining again to the US Congress again about how efficiency is expensive (see here). I don't understand why it's the USA's problem to make sure that these guys businesses succeed..... I mean if my products aren't selling and the products that do sell are just to expensive for me to pay for in order to sell - because they will- then is the gov responsible to help me afford those more expensive products...... screw these self righteous jerks, they think that without them somehow the world will end, well guess what there are plenty of people willing to take your spot as a large car manufacturer, and supply jobs to the exact same people. So take away there money/subsidies and if they choose to lay down and die causing some sort of economical disaster then I say sue them for not abiding by the laws of the incorporation which say that they must do everything they can to succeed, they've been using that law to there advantage, I say we use it back at them.

Even if there is more to take into consideration here, I know that if I just keep giving my whiny child something, instead of making him do it on his own, he will keep coming back for the handout and never do it himself, and yes I do liken the auto makers to little whiny children, cause if I liken them to grown adults, the expression changes to something I shouldn't type.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darren- I like reading your blog. You are so passionate. haha