Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bottled Water

see here for San Francisco Banning the Bottle

This makes me happy.... I have issues with bottled water and the people that drink them... sorry if your one of them but that's the problem with opinions. every ones got a different one.

I still remember in High School when people started drinking bottled water, it was the cool kids who started this ridiculous trend and low and behold 10 years later, look around almost everyone has a bottle of water to drink from, and man the claims of being better for you, or a better choice then pop, anything to rationalize what should be considered a wasteful un-economical disregard for a natural resource. sure we do worse things with it like go number 1 and 2 in our drinking water, but that is a technological and design hurdle we must overcome, drinking bottled water is a choice made when the tap containing almost the exact liquid is several feet away.

or see here... if NZ water is so good, why don't they drink it?

How about his quote off the sietch - In industrial countries with highly regulated water supplies, tap water has been proven to be just as safe, or safer, than its commercial counterpart. In the United States, regulations concerning bottled water are generally the same as for tap water, but are weaker for some microbial contaminants. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which regulates bottled water at the federal level, permits the product to contain certain levels of fecal matter, whereas the Environmental Protection Agency does not allow any human waste in city tap water. Bottled water violations are not always reported to the public, and in most cases the products may be recalled up to 15 months after the problematic water was produced, distributed, and sold.

mmmm Fecal Matter....

Last week I read a bunch of articles showing that we pay more for bottled water than gasoline...I don't know about you but I don't intend on paying more for my water than my gasoline. especially not water containing fecal matter.

enjoy your water! :-)


Russyl said...

Amen, Brother!

Anonymous said...

ditto with Russ! :-) (Another good write Darren)

leanne said...

I like bottle water:) I didn't know all this stuff about it. Makes me go HUmmmmmm....